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Yolanda Salcito Fundraiser
Your Support Through A Qualifying Purchase Could Mean a Chance to Win

Qualify to win Hidalgo
the Paint Pony
with the purchase of the items below
JMPH James Martinez Performance Horses would like to thank you for your supoport participating in the Yolanda Salcido Fund Raiser Page by offering the chance to own Hidalgo, a paint pony with a gentle disposition and sound mind and body. This amazing animal will make any child's dream come true. To qualify, simply purchase any of the digital downloads offered on this page. The drawing will a random drawing based on reciepts held once 100 downloads have been sold, so be sure to act fast! Please let us know if you would like to be withheld from the drawing.
On behalf of my mamma and myself I would like to thank you all for your support .

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